ConversationalSeduction™: how to talk to women and create powerful, intense attraction... using deep, hypnotic and intimate conversations
Learn how to make meaningful, lasting and seductive conversations... beyond small talk, false pretense and shallow flattery

ConversationalSeduction™ is not for everybody, and if you're looking for any of these things then you should stop reading this page and go look for an alternative elsewhere.
- It's not about routines and magic games as popularized by the so-called pickup artists (PUAs).
- It's not about wearing outlandish costumes and top hats to catch a woman's attention.
- It's not about building your inner game, visualizations, affirmations or any kind of "new age" hocus pocus.
- It's not about "black magic", "seduction occult" or anything that "forces" a woman to like you.
- It's not a book about getting laid in 30 minutes.
ConversationalSeduction™ is not a gimmicky quick-fix solution. Techniques inside this program require practice, and will not turn you into a suave player with a silver tongue by this evening.
Instead, if you're willing to immerse yourself in the program and do the simple-to-follow exercises, then you will quickly master the art of talking your way into a woman's heart... using proven rapport-building strategies anchored deeply in the science of human psychology and advanced persuasion. There's absolutely no guesswork involved... as this program is backed by hardcore science.
Here's what ConversationalSeduction™ can do for you -
- Learn how to make meaningful, authentic and seductive conversations... beyond small talk, false pretense and shallow flattery
- Discover our famous "Pre-ConversationalSeduction ritual" - do these two things even before you talk to a woman and she'll develop attraction to you even before you say anything to her
- Know the best way to make eye contact - a simple way to create instant attraction even before you say a single word
- The Insecurity Buster - use this simple mind hack trick that completely annihilates your anxiety around women... forever
- The lost art of "seductive listening"... and how you could just keep quiet and let a woman talk her way into liking you!
- How to throw "hints of attraction" towards her and make her respond to you
- The correct way to flatter a woman - use these five easy methods to weave flattery into the conversation without sounding like a desperate kiss-ass
- The correct way to flirt with a woman - so that she develops sexual feelings for you and not see you as a mere "friend"
- How to work the crowd like a pro... use this technique to create instant social proof and make her see you as a desired Prize to win over
- How to nail the "Getting To Know You" phase - list of ten ready-to-use questions that will catch her attention and melt the ice immediately
- The Humor Factor - how you can make a woman lower down her defenses... by making her laugh
- The art of touching - how to turbo-charge your conversational seduction with physical contact (warning: do this wrong and you'll risk getting slapped across the face!)
- The Calibrator - know exactly what she's thinking, and more importantly, if she is starting to like you using these surefire attraction (and "dis-attraction") signals and body language signs
- The art of small talk - how to maintain conversation flow so that you can avoid the dreaded awkward silence
- The dinner date conversation flow - the definitive ten-step blueprint to talk your way into her heart during a dinner date
- How to know when to stop - most guys will never have a clue about this (and that's one of the biggest reasons why they fail)
- Where to meet women - outside the typical bars and club scene
- Four powerful new tips and tricks you can use on a woman you just met - "Jukebox Jam", "Friendly Comp", "Talk Tech" and "Get The Scoop" - use these and you'll develop quick interest and attraction in a woman in a matter of minutes
- The surefire way to get a date - now that you know how to talk to a woman and get her interest, you'll need to know how to "seal the deal" and get her to want to go out with yo
- How soon is too soon to call? Call too quickly and you'll sound desperate; too late and she'll forget you. Get the definitive answer to this age-old question here
- The Reconnect - little-known techniques that you can use to get in touch with a woman after a date... and how to get things moving into where you want them to be (another date, or to your place)
- The Seven Deadly Topics that you must avoid like a plague... these will sabotage your chances with women like nothing else!
- Phone-specific conversational seduction tricks and tips - you'll never get this from anywhere else. With these techniques, you'll be as suave as you can be over the phone

BONUS #1: Email Seduction Formula by Derek Rake
Inside the first bonus, "The Email Seduction Formula" by Derek Rake (a newly updated module off his bestselling guide ODP: Online Dating Playbook), you'll learn...
- A simple, easy-to-follow blueprint on attracting a woman via a series of email messages
- A live case study by Derek Rake's client, detailing the exact steps taken to seduce a woman in a couple of simple emails
- The proven, foolproof "Email Seduction Process": P___ -> M_____ -> SoP -> D____
- How to craft the perfect first message: the nine DO's and eleven DO NOTs. This will make or break your email seduction success
- Three "Ninja" tactics on creating instant rapport via the first message (or re-establishing the connection if you haven't been in contact with her for some time)
- How to nail the "Middle Game" - how to handle the situation like a true pro when she responds to your first message
- How to build up attraction rapidly in your second and third emails ... using the twin strategies of intrigue and humor
- The "Last Escalation" - what you must essentially do from the third email onwards to maintain the "attraction momentum"
- How to transition from emails to a phone call smoothly by using this proven and field-tested rejection-proof formula
- ...and more.

BONUS #2: Ten Conversation Bullets by Peter Storch
Inside the second bonus, "Ten Conversation Bullets" by Peter Storch (author of the infamously notorious Storch Report), you'll discover the following and more...
- The ultimate "ConversationalSeduction" cheat sheet - a list of ready-to-use conversation topics and routines that you can use with any woman, at any time and place
- Fresh, brand new topics, riffs and ideas never been seen anywhere else
- The 3T - "Tongue Twister Text" method - introduce physical intimacy into any casual conversation covertly
- The classic Opinion Opener... but with a twist. Discover why the original version doesn't work any more... and how to fix it
- Build quick rapport with Handshake Brow Thickener Routine and Straw + "This Year Love" Openers
- How to exploit a little-known women psychology loophole... and make a woman want to do anything you (covertly) suggest to her
- How to "destroy" Mother Hens - the girl who would stop her friends from getting with you. Learn a surefire Mother Hen Destroyer routine to completely neutralize her threat
- How to use the Awkward Silence Annihilator technique to overcome those awkward silences
- Discover the Kiss Getter method... a great way to get women to lock lips with you!

BONUS #3: Humor Seduction Guidebook by Colin Simone
Inside this extra add-on to the core ConversationalSeduction™ program, "Humor Seduction Guide" by Colin Simone, you'll learn about the following:-
- The common structure of all effective jokes - this is the insider secret only known to comedians and late night show hosts that is used again and again to craft their material
- How to adapt your jokes to the specific situations so that you sound fresh, confident and inspiring
- Using characterization and role play to add an extra dimension to your story lines: be the "Joke Teller", "Aggressor", "Silly, Lovable Guy", "Wise Guy", "Nerd", "Story Teller", "Alpha Male", "Talk Show Host", or "Juggler"
- How to strategically alter your stories when handling women in groups, and two nifty tricks to deploy situational humor lines to isolate your target
- (Advanced humor tactic) Ways to exploit and exaggerate stereotypes to make even a stoic woman laugh
- Using suggestive Double Entrende to plant naughty thoughts in her mind (about you, naturally!)
- Whenever women get pleasantly surprised, they tend to laugh. Learn how to inject an element of surprise in your jokes
- "Tricks of Linguistics" - an expansion of the Double Entrende technique, you can use language loopholes to "direct" a woman's thoughts
- "Twist In The End" - learn how to predict a woman's expectations, and then surprise them by saying things which are completely AGAINST those expectations
- End game strategies - learn how to control and bring the conversation to a natural end... to escalate to the next level (remember, you're seducing her!)
These bonuses are developed exclusively for ConversationalSeduction™ customers, so you won't be able to get them elsewhere - not even from the authors themselves.
You'll also find plenty of cross-references between the bonuses and the "core" ConversationalSeduction™ system - this is deliberate as many of the techniques described in the bonuses are developed to work specifically with ConversationalSeduction™ principles.
Will I Get The Opportunity To Ask Questions?
Yes! As your product is delivered online through our DerekRakeHQ platform, you will get the chance to ask unlimited questions to the author (Colin Simone) as well as to Derek Rake’s team of certified coaches. There is no additional charge for this service.
Due to time constraints, we are unable to provide coaching face-to-face or over the telephone. To get your questions answered, please submit your question at the DerekRakeHQ platform. You may use a pseudonym if you wish.
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ConversationalSeduction™ is a digital home study course delivered entirely online (on DerekRakeHQ platform). There is nothing physical delivered to your home.
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Absolutely NO.
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