NEW BONUS ADDED: Get THE SHOGUN POSTURE FREE With Every Purchase Of The Shogun Sequences Handbook

IMPORTANT: Offer Expires On Tuesday (April 25th), 11:59pm Eastern Standard Time



The Shogun Posture is our unique approach to utilizing body language to convey dominance and sexual allure to a woman's subconscious. The appropriate posture can significantly enhance the potency of your verbal Shogun Method techniques by 10X or more.

  • The Greatest Lie. Ever heard how 93% of communication is body language? Guess what? It's bunk.
  • The 3S Framework. Superior posture only depends on three things (yes, only three). Once you learn and master these factors, you'll exude sexy body language effortlessly.
  • The Size Factor. How to create a perception of size that you're bigger than you are. Discover the five ways to appear taller immediately.
  • Feet Position Hack. Project an air of unconquerable confidence by positioning your feet in a certain way.
  • Elbow Points. A simple method to look bigger, and hence, more dominant. Also, how to avoid the Invisible Lats Syndrome mistake that makes you look insecure and needy.
  • The Stature Factor. How to communicate high value even before uttering a single word.
  • The Crotch Point. The biggest grand-daddy body language tactic of all time. How to signal to her subliminal to pay (sexual) attention to you. A Shogun Method classic.
  • The Perfect Handshake. Five steps to a firm, manly handshake. The most crucial first impression strategy you'll ever learn.
  • Junk Adjustment. Fixing your penis in public is a no-no, right? Well, you should do it–because strangely, you might even impress her! Find out why, and how.
  • Dominant Eyes. Enslavement begins with a look in the eye. Learn the three killer ways to exude an air of enigma–and lure her into your world.
  • The Strength Factor. The legendary V-Taper, ripped arms, iron butt, musclebound legs... we'll give you a transformational plan for a complete 180-degree makeover, and more!