From our brother Shogun Roy Elmiraz:
Greetings Derek,
I’m writing to you to share my thoughts after watching Frank Herbert’s Dune.
The Bene Gesserit is an exclusive sisterhood in which members train their minds through years of mental conditioning to attain extraordinary abilities. (They call it “The Way”). This is like what we do in the Shogun Method brotherhood!
The difference is, of course, Shoguns are not enslaving the world, but the heart of the women we love.
I noticed how they trained their voice almost like what you wrote in the HypnoVoice manual. Tweak your voice’s pitch, blotch certain words and people will comply to your commands subconsciously.
Here’s what’s interesting. Shogun Method can help people be more agreeable towards you–when used in the right frame. To me, like the Bene Gesserit, Shogun Method is “The Way”.
In Dune, the protagonist Paul trained his voice to transform from a timid guy to a leader commanding the allegiance of a tribe. It’s like how Shogun Method infuses confidence, charisma and masculinity into a man’s character.
I am not concerned with what’s right or wrong, good or bad. What matters is if it works. And it does. I know this because I’ve been practicing Shogun Method for 1 1/2 years.
Thank you, Derek, for your body of work.
Warm regards, Roy
(Edited for flow and clarity. Original email here)
Right on, Roy.
Shogun Method has been “The Way” for close to 20,000 men around the world, and for good reason.
Here’s the thing, though. Most people outside our brotherhood think Shogun Method is just another help-me-get-laid program.
As we all know, that’s not what we are at all. In fact, nothing in Shogun Method is about getting a woman to sleep with you.
Shogun Method is not The Way to a woman’s pussy. It’s The Way to virtùous masculinity.
Or, in Roy’s words, it infuses masculinity into a man’s character.
And that’s why most intermediate Shoguns advance to deeper knowledge like Shogun Method X and Dark Spirituality. Because fixing your relationships with women is only the first step. Your inner voice calls out to you to chase your higher-order goals.
To Roy and our other esteemed Shoguns:
Thank you for your unwavering dedication to our calling as virtùous men. Together, we’ll continue to walk The Way with purpose and honor.
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