Before we begin this Insider’s Guide, let’s recap what we’ve covered in the previous two Guides in this series (click here and here if you’ve missed them):
- Theory of Progressive Loading – How to progressively turn up the dial so that women are more likely to think dirty thoughts about you gradually without sounding the warning alarms in her mind
- Sexual Comfort Zone – How to prep women for future manipulation by allowing them to relax during conversation with you
- Sock Puppeting – a method of using another person’s quotes in order to allow a woman to have erotic thoughts and feelings about you
- Deliberate Misinterpretation – a method of purposely twisting her questions so that the woman adopts the role as the chaser/aggressor
- Value Elicitation & Deep Connection Builder Sequences – these are quick rapport building Shogun Sequences, both of which are taught in-depth in the Shogun Sequences Handbook
In this Insider’s Guide, you’re going to learn a technique called Mills & Boon.
Everyone knows the Mills & Boon books, right? They’re romantic literature which a lot of women see as sort of a guilty pleasure. A lot of guys wouldn’t be seen dead with a copy of one of their books in their hands.
You already learned in the core Shogun Method program that sharing secrets with a woman is a great way to emotionally segregate her from people who are hazardous to your relationship – her boyfriend, her cock-blocking friends or family members.
We can use adapt idea to be used in a more lighthearted manner to bridge the gap between Rapport and Attraction stages. Once you’ve develop sufficient Rapport with her (using the techniques that you have learned in the previous two Insider Guides), then use the Mills & Boon technique to escalate to the Attraction stage quickly.
Here’s how the technique works –
Start this technique out as a playful “confession” when you’re discussing your likes and interests with her.
Firstly, say to her:
“While we’re on the subject, I have a small confession. If I tell you, promise not to tell anyone?”
Of course, she’ll be intrigued by what you’re about to say. Then, “confess” to her –
“Do you know those romance novels you see on grocery store shelves? Yeah, well, I quite enjoy them.”
It doesn’t matter whether you do like them or not (and it’s very unlikely it will concern her either way). What’s important is that you’ve associated the idea of romance (and these books are mostly read by women!) with yourself.
You should then follow up with:
“I know you probably love those kinds of books. Particular the saucier scenes, right?”
Whatever she responds with, keep up the perception that you know women really enjoy them. Remember to keep your tone and body language playful so that she doesn’t think you’re being too serious.
Next, plod her along by getting her to describe some of her favorite “saucier scenes” from the romance novels that she had read. If you could make her recall those scenes vividly in her mind, it would be inevitable for her to associate those erotic scenes with you, acting out those scenes with you inside her mind. See how that works?
Don’t Be A Creep
Always remember that the rules of Shogun Sequences still apply here. Be ambiguous and allow her to come up with her own fantasies, and be careful not to overdo the sexual talk.
If you feel like you’re hitting the sex stuff a bit too much – take a break. Let her come to terms with what you’ve already talked about, then come back to it again. It’s important that she knows it’s not just sex that she can discuss with you.
Indeed, too much sex discussion can make you come across as a creep… one of the surefire ways to change turn her cognition mode from hot to cold, making it easier for her rational mind to take over and think of reasons to reject you.
In fact, alternating between sexual and non-sexual topics is yet another form of Fractionation if you think about it. Alternate between the present (discussing work, hobbies, friends) and her future desires (illicit encounters with you) to rapidly build Attraction until you can progress to the next and final stage: Enslavement.
Mills & Boon Technique: In Summary
To summarize, here are the steps involved in using the Mills & Boon technique:
- Perform the Rapport building Sequences as outlined in the previous guides (in particular, Value Elicitation and the Deep Builder Sequence)
- “Confess” to her that you like Mills & Boon
- Get her to describe to you the erotic scenes inside her favorite Mills & Boon novels. She will comply if you’ve done (1) correctly.
- Tell her your own favorite scene (make something up if needed!)
- Alternate between sexual and non-sexual topics as a form of Fractionation
When you’ve done all five steps, you can then “seal the deal” by escalating with her physically, and at the same time move on to Enslavement.
At this point, if she displays some resistance, back off and bid your time. Then, in the future, when the time is right, you can get her to talk about sex again – by which she will be even more open to talk about.
Extra credit: if physical escalation is your end goal, then follow up with the Kiss Escalation Sequence. On the other hand if Enslavement is the goal, then “prep” her up with the Red Tulip before you go for the full blown Black Rose Sequence. Both Sequences are inside the Shogun Sequences Handbook.