“I joined college in 2008. I am now a sophomore but still haven’t mastered enough bravado to talk to the girl that I like. Each time she comes into view, I find reasons not to go up to her. And if I do get the balls to, I end up getting nervous and cutting the conversation short.
After a couple of failed attempts, I chose to finish college before actually looking for a girl. So I ignored every girl that came to visit my roommates and now, they avoid me, too. I now feel that was the wrong decision.
Do you have several tips for me on how to relax, keep a conversation going and how to go up to women, please?” – Steven M. from Garden City, NY
Derek Rake’s Answer:-
First of all, you have built this girl up for two years now, so there are good chances that your lack of courage and your fear is just a thing in your head. Say hello and take things from there. And keep in mind that you should do what you’re afraid of first, then deal with your courage.
As for closing the conversation, that’s no biggie. Talk for as long as you feel comfortable doing so and once the comfort levels are high, get her number. If you aren’t comfortable doing that just yet, try talking to a lot of women – even strangers. You will come to find that women are generally friendly and getting this particular girl’s number will start to seem easy.
Yes, that was definitely a horrible decision, but we have all made the same one. (I once attempted to make smores in my microwave – with tin foil. A complete disaster.)
Your question actually has two parts to it. On relaxing, look at several breathing exercises and try meditating. Also, start a daily exercise regimen like a daily jog. The added testosterone and oxygen to your system will work like a miracle for relaxation.
Most importantly, get experience by talking to different women. The more girls you talk to, the easier it will be to relax and the less scary it will be as a whole.
On approaching women, just say hello – nothing fancy. Admittedly, that isn’t the greatest opening in the world, but it will help you talk to women, so it’s definitely much better than nothing. π