Fresh out of the oven: two brand new Action Checklists for you to download!
Click here for the Fractionation Action Checklist
Click here for the “Anti Female Mind Games” Action Checklist
(Right click and choose Save As…)
The Action Checklists are in PDF format, and so you’ll need the Adobe Reader to open it.
By the way…
Have You Seen The New Truth Extractor Program?
The Truth Extractor a new add-on to the core Shogun Method program, and is especially designed to “catch” a woman’s lies and extract the truth from her – no matter if she is willing to be honest with you or not. To find out if she’s lying to you, take this fun quiz.
I just downloaded the stuff given above. Some paragraphs of PDF are removed. Though they appear but only as black lines. Will you please tell me what’s that.
Strange. What platform are you on? Mac, PC, IOS, or Android?
No problem reported with Android. Try again, alright?
I an living in place where direct talk to a girl is difficult , if not impossible. Girls talk only to a guy whom she want to be in relation with…..
I think that if I have some body language seduction techniques then shogun method will be helpful for me.
I have bought too many products from various gurus and cried for every single dime I paid. I had made up my mind that all these gurus are fake who squeeze hard earned money of innocent people. But I am yet to find out why I came across you and decided to buy your product. Finally I was willing to put my money at stake and try the shogun method with the thought of failure at the back of my mind.
But believe me derek from the time I purchased your product I have been your biggest fan. What you teach is sheer genius, you have made my life simple as far as relations are concerned, I never have a dry day with girls fighting for my attention single and married. But I promise never to use your methods for doing wrong things.
I am forever indebted to you more so because I am an average looking guy who has turned from Pussy to Pro with least efforts. I can certainly say that you are the best that has and will ever be and the techniques you teach cannot be found anywhere.
Hats off to my Guru
Derek The Rocking Rake
Thank you!
Sorry but the downloads are not working, at least not on a mac.
Working fine everywhere else though. What error message did you see?
Thanks for your response, there is no error message because there is not happening or starting anything when right clicking on it. When left clicking there opens an empty page.
Hi Derek,
This is excellent checklist !!!
I like how you predict what shogun practitioner needs althought it late for old clienta..
I want to tell you that one sentence fractionation worked amazingly as you said by texting and for me even face to face worked wonderfully(so pls advise me,did i do something wrong in long term). I wish if provide us more sentences .
Regards Your sincere student
They won’t download&i’m on a phone, can’t scroll to the bottom to ask questions.
What phone are you using, Chad?
Hey guys any of you you’re having trouble downloading this if you just redownload the link it sould come though.I
just saw the problem I ended up with half the document in black and I redownload it and
Presto problem solved.
Oh and Derek excellent work by the way thank you so very very much!!
Its not been quite a year since I originally tried Shogun method. It took me some time to get the hang of it and at times I still feel a bit clumsy (but I suppose that’s normal). Since I’ve started my life has really made some dramatic improvements, in so many ways. I can’t thank you enough, except to say that as long as I am able, I will continue to buy and support everything you put out. Your customer support (Happiness manager, hats off to Kathy) is also top-notch. Thank you both! Keep up the good work!
Good to hear, Ken!
Derek, you’re a lifesaver! Thanks for the bonus material!
Thanks Derek 🙂 for these checklists
Derek they are not downloading, nothing is coming
Try again. It works.