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Knowing the truth is important. Letting her get away with a lie, any lie, is a recipe for guaranteed disaster. I like these methods. I will use them should the question ever arise. My woman knows I have rules and they are not to be broken. I tell her, they are rules, not suggestions. I live by those rules and I ask her from time to time has she ever known me to break the rules. her answer is always quick and the same “no” with no caveats.
Rule #1 is the truth, always. No matter who it is going to hurt. me or her. She gets it from me exactly like that. She also knows, if she ever lies to me, even about something seemingly insignificant. She is out the door and down the road. All done. As I tell her, my door locks from the inside.
We took a playmate recently. She broke Rule #1. Since she had not been informed of it yet, I overlooked it. She is great in bed, has a killer body and could suck a bowling ball through 300 feet of braided aircraft tubing. But, after being told about Rule #1, she broke it again. She was instantly given her walking papers and told we are seeking a replacement. All done. Over. No reprieve. You were told and you broke the Rules. Hasta La Bye Bye Baby.
Obviously, my woman knows my reaction to a lie. Though, as pointed out here, it does not mean I do not watch for it as a general day to day, moment to moment habit.
Thanks for the tools Derek. Always nice to have tools on hand.
Are all lies based in hypergamy, though? The examples in the report were all about her lying about other men. What about when women lie just to avoid admitting mistakes or earning your disapproval, even if it’s nothing to do with cheating?
Most are rooted in hypergamy. Tackle that and you’re 80% there (good enough in most cases.)
Hi, I’m new to the program. I’d like to say I’m thankful your offering the best help you have to offer through your developed shogun method And these ebooks on specific topics. I live in San Diego too and it’s a great place. There is a HUGE trend happening between men and women and how things are developing. The sustainability model seems terminal for men. Hypergamy in various forms seems to be the prevailing condition. I like the efforts to be the best, but mankind can not preserve his place if it is based on something other than him being just a man. Performance will dwindle, alpha changes with age, wealth gets disrupted as nations fall, and honestly…. it should be as simple as ‘because I am a man, I’m good enough’ and I feel the root problem is whatever motivates a woman to feel other than that simple truth. I am on board shogun, and performing in a way to win, but performances dwindle and performing all the time is not sustainable. There needs to be a change in women that sets them back to the help mates they were create to be. Men should not always have to monkey wrench their women to get the to function Correctly instead of malfunction. There needs to be a lasting fix. How are men going to become great if they have to always cast their Gaze upon Their women instead of building the next tallest skyscraper or rocket ship… perhaps something with VR or automated systems or profiling women and then feeding them crafted social media feeds based on the inputs of their male companion… there needs to be a way to get our human women to work better with us instead of against us. I would love to help any way and will bring all my skills to help weather it be building ML / AI type tools or brainstorming with other creators, I want to help man now and in the future avoid the shit experience of women I’ve had for 39 years of my life. I will say that there are some Asian women who function much better but I believe all women can function wonderfully of the right analysis of them is done and the most optimal inputs selected to lead them to be the best companion.