Derren Brown is an illusionist who frequently uses mind control and hypnosis techniques in his stage and TV shows. His debut performance in 2000, “Derren Brown: Mind Control” quickly established him as one of the preeminent illusionist and mentalist in the world with a tour-de-force display of cognitive psychology, auto-suggestion, cold reading and advanced hypnosis techniques such as fractionation.
Watch this video where he induced “temporary amnesia” on random strangers he met on the train using some rather powerful conversational hypnosis techniques –
(Disclaimer: we are not affiliated with nor endorsed by Derren Brown in any way. Copyright and trademarks belong to Derren Brown and his company. All legalese aside: we love Derren because he’s pretty awesome!)
There’s plenty to take away from this video, but for today we are going to highlight two particular mind control techniques that Derren used to great effect in the video:- Anchoring and Pattern Interrupts.

Jordan Hill’s legendary Manipulation Black Book is now available for free as part of the Shogun Method Mobile Pluspack
Notice that in each instance, Derren had placed multiple anchors on the subject which he then finally triggered by tapping the subject in between the eyes.
It’s quite obvious where the influence is: Jordan Hill’s classic Manipulation Black Book!
I’ve talked at length about anchoring (and classical conditioning) here in a previous Insider’s Guide so I won’t go into the details in today, but this shows just how effective (and covert!) anchoring is, and you MUST, must always place anchors on a woman when talking to her. The key is to make it as natural as possible, or you’ll creep her out (why are you touching my inner thighs??).
Pattern Interrupt
Pattern Interrupt is the core of the Strawberry Fields routine inside the Dark Rake or the classic Three Souls routine inside Dark Rapport. If you use a “big enough” Pattern Interrupt then you will cause a woman to forget what she is talking about (important when she’s dominating and you’re losing control of the conversation), and you can redirect her consciousness to where you want it to go. Pretty powerful stuff.
Let’s get a discussion going on how to use a combination of these two techniques to build rapport with a woman and control her mind. When have you used these tactics, and how effective were they?