“I’ve been having trouble closing lately. The faster things go, the easier it gets to bond and start an attraction, but I also have to close differently than before. Here’s some context: I was out on a date the other night with a hot chick that I really like. Here’s how the setup went: after only half an hour after meeting, we almost kissed but I told her I wasn’t into monogamy and exclusive girlfriends. A few months later, she moved close to my place and sent me Dutch MySpace messages to show me she liked me. So, the other night, we were on a date but she brought this cock-blocking ‘male puppy’ friend with her. What.Da.Fark.
I didn’t know what to say, so I proceeded to have a great time. Our sexual tension was fine but never got to a close because that guy was hanging out there the whole time. I tried to isolate her several times, but that didn’t work. He clearly likes her, but they’re not involved because she sees him as nothing but a friend – the way she seems to position every male.
I won’t have any trouble starting another date, but I want the right tone to come out this time. What I really want to say – but can’t – is: Surprising me with your boring friend is no way to spend a first date with me. Let’s meet up for a home-cooked meal with just you and me. WTF indeed.
Naturally, I will need to say it differently. Help? Thank you for all the work so far. It has been a huge help.” – Donald L. from Corona, CA
Derek Rake’s Answer:-
Straight to your question, I honestly just want you to relax! π Don’t make a huge deal out of this. Here’s why:
1. She only brought the friend because she actually likes you and doesn’t trust herself to be with you alone. This is good. There is no need for you to worry.
2. Be friends with the guy instead of enemies. If you become this guy’s friend, you can ask her out to a movie afterwards and when she agrees, you can face the guy and say, “Hey dude, it was great meeting you. We’re going to catch a movie now, but you can call me to chill anytime.” By doing this, you will look like a nice guy. Plus, you will have a new friend and the girl in your arms. Win-win.