One of the most frequently asked questions to me by your fellow Shoguns at the ShogunMethod.net portal:
“Derek, can Shogun Method be used to get same-day dates and lays only, WITHOUT having to Enslave your targets?”
To me, it sounded awfully like:
“Can Shogun Method be used to pick up women?”
By now, you already know I’ve got a strong dislike for the word “pickup”. Why? Well, because I disagree with the entire “Pickup Artist” thing – there’s more to women than just being “picked up” for a short-term fling.
After all, Shogun Method is about the long-term. It’s about emotional Enslavement. It’s not about “Seduction” (which is what pickup is about.)
Still, I suppose it’s a question that crosses every Shogun’s mind at one point or another. And this is a teaching moment, so I’ll answer the question in this two-part Insider’s Guide.
Anyway, so can Shogun Method be used to pick up women? Can it be used to score same-day dates?
Yes, absolutely.
I call it “Escalating to Attraction” or “ETA.” It’s where you stop at the Attraction Stage of the IRAE Model and go no further with your target (within a short period of time). It can be done, it’s being done by many Shoguns today, and so can you, if that’s your fancy.
When it comes to ETA, you’re operating on a much shorter time window (typically hours). So there’s much heavier importance on physical attraction.
What’s more, you’ll need to get good at a tighter set of techniques – all of which will be covered in this two-part Derek Rake Insider’s Guide.
So let’s get right to Part 1, starting with…
The Rules Of ETA
First, you got to be clear about your desired outcome.
Do you want a same-day date? A same-date lay? A relationship down the line? Some combination thereof? Be clear on that before you try anything.
Secondly, understand that no matter what your desired outcome might be, the key metric is the same. It’s your Sexual Value, or (SV).
The third volume of the Shogun Method Black Book goes into detail what SV is, but here’s a quick recap. Every man and woman in the world has an SV score between 1 and 10 – 10 being the highest, 1 being the lowest, and 5 being average.
Want a woman to go on a same-day date or lay with you? Then you’ll want her to feel, without the shadow of a doubt, that your SV is higher than hers.
This should be simple, right? When a woman thinks she’s more sexually in-demand to men than you are sexually in-demand to women… then it’s game over. She’ll reject you in a heartbeat.
When it comes to approaching women for the purposes of ETA, you can have three outcomes:
- Either your SV is higher, and so she gladly escalates to Attraction with you in the end, or…
- Your SV is lower, so she rejects you (e.g. “I have a boyfriend, sorry,” or “Thanks, not interested”), or…
- Your SV’s are around the same and she’s not sure about you, so she shit-tests you to find out. (More on shit tests in Part 2.)
The goal, then, is to have as high of an SV score to start with.
Now that you know the “rules,” let’s move ahead to…
The First Step: Secure The Fundamentals
Remember that there’s a much bigger emphasis on physical attraction in ETA. And that means your fundamentals have to be on point.
I’d divide your fundamentals into three major areas of work:
- Looking good. Sorry, but if you’re going the ETA route, then you MUST work on looking good. Get a stylish haircut. Lose the flab, lift weights, build your upper body. Invest in your fashion sense to look better, taller, and more “in.”
- Have a Mission that defines you. Shoguns follow a mission in life that’s bigger than himself, women, and sex. Shoguns have manly hobbies. Shoguns are savvy with the modern world. And, yes, Shoguns have got to have positive cash flow.
- Not giving a fuck about what people think. This is Shogun Method 101, but it bears repeating. You should be focused on achieving your desired outcomes in life no matter what people “might” say. And that includes your desired outcomes for Escalating to Attraction.
Also – and this is very important – always respect the IRAE Model. It’s meant to be followed to the letter, one Stage at a time, without skipping any Stages on the way up. It’s a straight line process, and that’s why it works so well.
So it means that even if you have zero plans of Enslaving your target, you MUST STILL go through Intrigue and Rapport. So bite back the urge to improvise. Follow the Model. It has worked for as long as we Shoguns exist, and it will continue to work as long as the sun rises in the East.
Quick note: Can you Attract or Enslave women without good fundamentals? Yes, but you’ll need time on your side to do that. If you run your game on any woman long enough, she WILL Escalate To Attraction eventually.
With ETA, you don’t have the luxury of that kind of time. So if you don’t have good fundamentals, you’ll need to work on them first before even trying ETA.
When you DO have good fundamentals – or you’ve made the sacred commitment to gain them – then you can move on to…
The Second Step: Dropping The Intrigue Ping
Whatever you do, do NOT use some lame pickup line. We don’t do that here.
Instead, use the go-to Shogun Method technique for the Intrigue Stage – the legendary Intrigue Ping.
IMPORTANT: Knowing how to craft Intrigue Pings is fundamental to your success as a Shogun. Cover the basics in Module 4 of the core Shogun Method program, and then master the concepts inside the Intrigue Black Book. Failing at Intrigue means that you will be stuck in the first stage of the IRAE Model forever.
The Intrigue Ping is a three-part Sequence that instantly makes a woman feel curious about you.
This is important because most women will NOT feel curious when you approach them first. Instead, they will feel skeptical, defensive, even scared. Pickup lines just make these feelings worse (and that’s why they don’t work.)
The Intrigue Ping’s three parts are:
- Your opening statement. “Hi, excuse me, I have a question…”
- Her reply. “Yes?” or “Mhm?”
- Your situational statement/question. “You look like a travel blogger. You have the look and the energy about you. Are you a travel blogger?”
The most important part is the second one – her reply. When she says “Yes?”, her mind switches from skepticism to curiosity – even for just a brief moment. That window is all you need to start a conversation.
This is a highly abbreviated description of the Intrigue Ping. Master the fundamentals inside Shogun Method and Intrigue Black Book – this is absolutely essential.
And once she replies to your situational statement/question, then you move on to…
The Third Step: Elicit Her Values
This takes some more practice. After your Intrigue Ping, avoid using “Yes or No questions” during the conversation.
Think about it. You try to spur the conversation on by asking a “Yes or No” question, and she answers “Yes” or “No.” Then the onus is on you to keep the conversation going. It builds no Rapport whatsoever.
So what’s the Shogun thing to do? Value Elicitation, of course. You want to get her values, beliefs, fears, pains, hopes, and dreams very soon after the Intrigue Ping lands.
Let’s say you used the Intrigue Ping earlier (“Are you a travel blogger?”), and she says: “Yes, I’m a travel blogger.”
A Good Value Elicitation question would be: “That’s awesome. I noticed the clothes, the backpack, and the tiny moleskin on you – you remind me of myself, actually. Anyway, what kind of writing do you do?”
If she answered: “No, I’m not a travel blogger,” then your Value Elicitation question might go this way:
“I see. I noticed your clothes, backpack, and tiny Moleskine notebook – it reminded me of myself, actually. So anyway, if you’re not a travel blogger, what do you do?”
Answers to Value Elicitation questions can never be just “Yes” or “No.” There’s always a bit of a story, short or long, that gives you a glimpse into her life. And from her story, you could branch into other questions:
- “Oh, you’re from Greece? That’s awesome. I’m amazed you can move around considering we just got out of a crisis. So what brings you here?”
- “Oh, so you’re a sculptor. I would never have guessed that. Carving, casting, assembly, that sort of thing? Can you tell me what you do?”
You get the idea, yes?
When you get this far, you’re pretty much in the Rapport Stage. You can then use your Rapport-building techniques until she reaches the Inflexion Point. You know you’ve reached it when, without any prodding, she asks YOU questions.
When she starts wanting to know more about you, that’s your signal to ETA. Remember, time is not on your side, so you got to move fast.
Now, you might be wondering:
“What if she rejects me at some point? What do I do then?”
Hey, it happens. Though it pays to know the subtle difference between a straight-up rejection and a shit test.
Put simply, it’s a rejection when she ends the conversation and won’t re-engage. That’s a sign she’s really NOT interested, and that’s fine. When it happens to you, thank her for her time and let her go. No worries.
Meanwhile, it’s a shit test when she insults or challenges you but she doesn’t go away. That’s a sign she IS interested – she just wants to make sure if you’re as cool as she suspects you are.
But we’re getting ahead of ourselves. All will be made clear in the second part of this guide.
What Next?
In Part Two of this Derek Rake Insider’s Guide, we’ll talk about the last three steps of ETA, which are:
- Creating Sexual Tension,
- Passing her “Shit Tests”, and
- Completing the Manipulation – that is, scoring your same-day date or lay.
Stay tuned. We’ll send out an email (which you should receive as a Shogun Method client) when it’s ready.
Meanwhile, remember this:
Mastering Intrigue Pings is important for every Shogun. And it’s absolutely crucial if “pickup” or short-term relationships are what you want.
The Intrigue Black Book is the de-facto Bible on crafting the perfect Intrigue Ping that you can use in multiple scenarios. It’s a guide that you will use again and again even if you’re already going long-term with a woman.
Here are three more reasons to buy Intrigue Black Book: the “S.A.S: Shogun Approach Strategy”, “Humor Attraction Playbook” and the “Date Optimizer” premium programs come free with every purchase.