Listen up closely because today we going to talk about a man’s biggest adversary when it comes to dating and love:
The Friend Zone.
You probably know how it feels being Friend-Zoned. I mean, most of us have probably heard this dreaded line from a woman at some point…
“Let’s just be friends!”
Pretty horrible, right? I mean, getting Friend-Zoned simply fucks up a guy’s ego like nothing else.
Now if you’re thinking that you’re going to read yet another article on avoiding getting Friend-Zoned, then guess what? You’re mistaken, and you’ll find out why in a while…
Don’t worry – we’ll get into the gist of this Derek Rake Insider’s Guide shortly. First, let me tell you what happened some time ago…
A Seasoned Shogun Fucks Up
Tom was a regular client of mine, and dare I say it, something of an old timer when it comes to the Shogun Method.
He came to see me at my office on a Monday morning, red-eyed, exhausted, and sporting a look of frustration on his face. It was a look I’d seen a thousand times before, but never from this particular client. It was clear Tom had run into some trouble over the weekend.
“Derek,” he said, leaning against my door frame and barely looking me in the eye. “This woman is driving me crazy. I need your help.”
“It doesn’t matter what I do to her, nothing worked. I mean, I’ve tried everything, but I’m stuck in the Rapport stage with no end in sight. I couldn’t seem to escalate,” he moaned.
Stuck in Rapport meant only one thing: the Friend Zone.
“And here’s the weird thing, Derek,” Tom continued, “The more I tried to get out from the Friend Zone, the more I wanted her. And the more I wanted her, the more she pushed me away.”
“It’s like I’m stuck in a loop, Derek. And it feels really horrible.”
And there it was. Being Friend-Zoned only made Tom work doubly hard for that woman’s attention. She convinced him that she was worth the chase – no matter what her “true” worth was.
Tom’s problem prompted me to create a technique that I still hold as one of the most unique in the entire Shogun Method knowledge base. And it was all based on a very simple principle:
What if we put the woman in the Friend Zone instead?
The Reverse Friend Zone (“RFZ”)
Quite simply, the Friend Zone is the conventional term for what we know (in the Shogun Method universe) as Contextual Rapport.
When you’re Friend-Zoned, it means that your connection with her is based on friendship rather than sexual attraction. The Friend Zone is the psychological barrier which stops you from hooking up, dating, or experiencing any kind of romantic liaison with her.
Being in the Friend Zone is problematic because it strips away everything that makes you a desirable male. All of that mystery, intrigue and dominance you’ve worked so hard to create in the first few stages of the IRAE Model are gone.
Now if you do this to a woman (i.e. a “Reverse” Friend Zone or RFZ), you’re making her feel the same way: it strips away everything in her mind that makes her a desirable female. And that, as you’ll see, can be extremely powerful because it would open up a world of possibilities:
- It would put her on the spot and make her do all of the hard work in pursuing you
- It would increase your value in her eyes
- You could keep her in the Friend Zone until you were ready to progress with her (useful when you’re dating multiple women at once)
Benjamin Franklin Effect
Before we dig into the gritty details of the “RFZ” technique, let me ask you a question:
If you want people to like you, which of these is the best option?
- Be nice and do them a favor, or
- Get them to do you a favor
Pretty obvious, right? You probably chose (1). Surely doing people a favor increases the chances of them liking you, correct?
Well, that’s wrong. In fact, to get someone to like you, get the person to do a favor for you.
Seriously. While this may be strange, it’s true. In fact, it’s a well-documented psychological phenomenon which has its own name – the “Benjamin Franklin Effect”.
When a woman does a favor for you, her subconscious mind will tell her:
“I am doing this guy a favor for a reason. He must be deserving of this special treatment I am giving him.”
That’s the Benjamin Franklin Effect kicking into gear. And the Reverse Friend Zone works by inducing the Benjamin Franklin Effect in a woman’s mind.
Think about what it’s like when you’re in the Friend Zone yourself. You’re constantly fighting for her attention, trying to impress her and doing things you normally wouldn’t.
The more challenging she gets, the more “valuable” she will seem to you. Your subconscious mind tells you:
“I’m working so hard to make her like me. She must be deserving of this special treatment I am giving her.”
But what if you flip the tables on her and put HER in the Friend Zone instead? Once she starts to chase YOU instead, the Benjamin Franklin effect kicks in:
“If I’m putting in so much effort to catch this guy, he MUST be pretty damn spectacular.”
And by the time she does catch up with you (i.e. when you allow her out of the Friend Zone), she’d have Fractionated herself so much that your Desirability levels will already be sky-high to her. You would have rapidly jumped through the Rapport stage right into Attraction in the IRAE Model.
How To Perform The RFZ On A Woman
Performing the Reverse Friend Zone is actually very simple. All you need to do is to disqualify her.
Here’s an example. Let’s say you’re sitting opposite her. Put her in the Friend Zone by saying this:
“Look, there’s so many other guys out there that would happily settle on a girl like you, but I want to keep my options open. We get on really well as friends. So, let’s keep things simple and friendly for now.”
Easy, right?
After this, remind her this “decision” from time to time. Be a man who is confident, assertive and sticks by his claims. For example, say:
“You’d have to work pretty hard to change my mind. If you think you can, then go ahead. Prove me wrong.”
What you’re doing here is to put up a challenge, placing her as the chaser and you as the fleeing rabbit. Driven by the fear of missing out, she won’t have any choice but to start chasing you.
At this point, things should start to feel a little different for both you and her. The power in the relationship starts to shift in your favor.
What happens next?
Well this: As long as you keep your cool, she will drive herself crazy with mind games, self-Fractionating over and over again until you become the only thing on her mind 24/7.
To amp things up, you can even text her things like:
“Maybe one day we could become a little more than just friends… but who knows?”
Statements like this will heighten the Benjamin Franklin Effect to painful levels. She’ll be craving release from the Friend Zone and doing everything in her power to progress with you. The fact she can’t “conquer” you will drive her crazy.
She’ll feel helpless, self-conscious, and completely overwhelmed. But the more defeated she becomes, the more she’ll see you as the only person who can snap her out from the pain and desperation.
Back To Our Friend Tom…
Now, you remember our friend Tom? “Fight fire with fire,” I had told him. “Give her a taste of her own medicine.”
Here’s what’s interesting:
Women simply can’t stand getting Friend-Zoned. And when they do get Friend-Zoned, they’ll do whatever it takes just to get out – and that’s a weakness that guys like Tom (and Shoguns like you) have learned to exploit.
And Tom? Well, I ran into him a few weeks ago, walking arm-in-arm with a gorgeous brunette in downtown San Diego. We got talking, and he simply told me in a somewhat cryptic way:
“Derek, it worked.”
There’s More To The “Reverse Friend Zone” Than Meets The Eye
OK, here’s the deal: There’s a little more to the Reverse Friend Zone than what I’ve mentioned here. The technique is pretty darn effective, and if you want to truly master it, there’s a little more work involved.
The fourth volume of the Shogun Method Black Book teaches the Reverse Friend Zone in detail, and it includes full verbatim scripts which you can use, word-for-word. It also digs even further into the psychology behind it and why it’s such a powerful Shogun Method tactic.
(If you have access to this program already, go to Module 4).
Learn how you can add this technique (and four other “Generation 2.0” Mind Control tactics PLUS the “Antibiotic Nuke” troubleshooter program as a free bonus) to your Shogun Method arsenal – click here next.