Are you making any of these five atrocious communication mistakes men make with women?
These mistakes may sound harmless. If you didn’t know any better, you’d swear these communication habits are even GOOD ones to have.
And yet each mistake critically sabotages your efforts to move women up the IRAE Model. If you’ve been using Shogun Method and getting lackluster results, these may be why.
So to be a more successful Shogun, avoid these five communication mistakes at all costs:
Mistake #1: Leaving Escalation Up To Her
Imagine this. You’re with a woman you like, and you’re building Rapport with her. You’re using the tried-and-true formula of Mirroring and Verbal Mimicking.
You’re waiting for her to Mirror YOUR movement. It’s a sign that she’s at the Rapport Inflexion Point, and that she’s ready for escalation onto the Attraction Stage.
Then, after a while, you spot what seems to be the Rapport Inflexion Point. (See Module 5 of the core Shogun Method program if you’re not familiar with this.) You smiled and stretched, and she smiled and stretched, too. This is it.
Or is it?
You’re not sure. Her smiling and stretching could have been an accident or coincidence. It could have been the Rapport Inflexion Point or not.
What do you do now?
- Do you wait for a clearer sign from her before you escalate to Attraction? Such as if she asks if you want to get a drink at her place?
- Or do you escalate anyway, and invite her to a drink at your place – at the risk of getting rejected?
Most newer Shoguns err on the side of caution and pick the first choice. They wait until she makes it absolutely, positively clear she’s attracted to them. And THEN they escalate.
You might have had the same approach, as well. You might have thought it was more respectful of her to do it that way. You didn’t want to offend her or insult her intelligence. Or something.
In the bigger picture, though, it’s very different. Imagine if it WERE the Rapport Inflexion Point. She was clearly attracted to you, and she was dropping a hint. And you ended up NOT doing anything.
That’s frustrating and infuriating for women.
So the first option actually turns women off. It makes them think you’re weak and indecisive, and that you don’t “own” the choices you make in life.
And it’s off to the friendzone with you.
So avoid making this mistake. At the first sign of attraction, escalate with an Implanted Command. And if she doesn’t take it well, follow up with an Anti-Demand and try again later.
Mistake #2: Proposing Too Soon
You might have made this mistake in the past. You’ve had one or two dates with a woman, and things are going well. She likes and trusts you, and she’s even telling you her deepest, darkest secrets. You’re fairly sure you’d like a more serious relationship with her.
Back then, you might have thought: “She’s had bad boyfriends before. Men who lied to her and took her for granted. I’ll be different. I’ll be honest with her from the get-go.”
And so you propose. “I love you. Will you be my girlfriend?”
Then she rejects you or makes a half-hearted attempt at letting you down easy. Or you get an awkward silence. No matter what happens, your relationship is never the same again.
Sound familiar?
So what happened?
You may have thought that she’d appreciate your honesty. And, truth be told, she might have.
And yet overall, proposing too soon sabotages your chances with her.
It makes women think:
- That you might have no other options
- That you might be desperate or needy
- That you might be taking advantage of her vulnerable state
Instead of proposing AT ALL, simply focus on the task at hand: Escalating through the IRAE Model. Stick to the program and the relationship will happen by itself. No proposals necessary.
Mistake #3: Complaining And “Opening Up”
Since “being vulnerable and open” is all the rage in society right now, this one’s an easy trap to fall into.
It’s become common knowledge that being open about your flaws, fears, weaknesses, etc. is a “good thing.” And so men in the workplace and in the public square are all given the same message: Be vulnerable.
Unfortunately, this has spilled into the realm of dating and relationships. With disastrous effects, of course.
These days, too many men believe that complaining and “opening up” will make women like and trust them more. They think: “The ladies love men who are in touch with their feelings.”
Um, no, they don’t.
If you’re single, your vulnerability will put you in women’s friendzone instantly.
If you’re in a relationship, it’s even worse. Your vulnerability will rattle her to the core. Suddenly, she’ll think you’re too weak to handle a real relationship, let alone a family. After all, you’re so easily vexed.
This is an instinctive reaction for women, by the way. She doesn’t feel safe with you, so she’ll want to get away from you and find safety elsewhere. Perhaps another man. That’s usually how it goes.
So take this bit of wisdom with you: Never let her see you “bleed.” With women, you should always project an aura of strength, dominance, and self-control.
Mistake #4: Agreeing With Everything She Says
Imagine meeting a new woman who’s young, smart, and really hot. You really like her, and it seems she likes you, too.
Except one day, out of nowhere, she expresses an opinion that you totally disagree with.
It might have been a political opinion. Or a religious one. Or a philosophical one. Whatever it was, you’re not on board with it AT ALL.
What do you do?
- Do you tell her you disagree and then risk getting rejected and losing her?
- Or do you pretend to agree with her and keep escalating anyway?
If you chose the second option, then I have some bad news. “Pretending to agree” is committing the Shogun Method sin of “forced familiarity.” And women will detect it almost immediately – she’ll feel like something’s “off” about you.
Women have a sixth sense about these things. It’s like a “secret language” women naturally speak and understand. And they use it to spot liars a mile away.
Keep this in mind: No one likes a suck-up.
So learn to be okay with breaking Rapport and using Fractionation. The idea is to make her conform to YOUR reality, not the other way around. Always be ready to let a woman go if she doesn’t conform.
Mistake #5: Initiating Communication More Than She Does
This involves texting, calling, and chatting on the Internet. Do you initiate these conversations more than she does? Or worse: Are you the only one initiating these conversations?
Some men think it’s harmless to initiate communication. They think it’s a sweet gesture that tells a woman: “I’m thinking of you,” which makes her like them more.
Unfortunately, all it tells a woman is: “He wants to be more than friends with me.” And with that, all the mystery and excitement is gone.
How do they know? Simple — it’s their little sixth sense again. It’s meant to protect them from men who say one thing and then end up doing something different. And it does a good job at it, too.
Always keep in mind Shogun Method’s Precondition #2:
To conceal your intentions until the manipulation is complete.
Initiating communication may seem harmless. And yet it reveals your intentions instead of concealing them.
So do this from now on: Only initiate communications with her once for every two times she does it. This keeps your intentions concealed and establishes the “feel” that SHE’S chasing YOU.
About That Women “Sixth Sense”
So how many of these five mistakes are you making?
Did you notice the common thread that runs through these five mistakes?
It’s the “sixth sense” that women have. That Secret Language that comes second-nature to women, but is an absolute mystery to men.
It lets them find out the “real deal” about the men they meet. It helps them weed out the weak little boys who can’t handle relationships from the real men who can.
Now, here’s what that should mean to you. If you knew what this secret language was all about, then women would make complete sense to you. Everything about them will be crystal clear – their quirks, their motivations, their mind games… everything.
Put simply, you’ll understand women completely. And you’ll get much more of the results you want with them.
My advice? Learn the language as soon as you can. You can do so by immersing yourself in the new “The Secret Language: The Shogun’s Guide To Subcommunication Mastery” program.
The program is not for sale. However, you can get it for free with every purchase of the Dark Rapport program. For more information, click here.
If you are already a Dark Rapport client, we have already added the program inside your Dark Rapport download area.